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BookingCourse / HotelPerson(s)Cost

The search function allows you to find courses you might like to play and nearby towns where you can stay. Whenever you find a course or a hotel you can add this to your itinerary. Any information about dates and the members of your party from the planner are carried across automatically. The itinerary page displays a list of all your choices from this session (and, if you are a registered user from previous visits to the site) which you can edit using the edit button or delete with the delete option.

Itinerary Suggestion

If you don't know which courses to choose, then why not let us help you choose them using the itinerary suggestion tool? Just tell us a little information about your visit and the courses you would like to play and we can automatically suggest an itinerary for you, complete with hotel reservations. You can then further customise this itinerary yourself if necessary.

Once your itinerary is complete, proceed to the booking area.